Smoke and Light by Kristin ArdisSmoke and Light by Kristin Ardis
5 Stars
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Genres: Fantasy, Romantasy
Pages: 465
ISBN: 9798988733300
Format: ARC, eBook
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I was very lucky to receive an ARC from Kristin.
I’m so very happy I did. This story was epic. I was on tenterhooks throughout the whole book, it built up so much suspense and I craved the build up in my soul wanting to know what was happening, but needing to keep it at that same slow burning pace for fear I’d keel over. I wanted to story to continue forever but I needed it to end my suffering at the same time. I didn’t know anything but romance could be a slow burn until this.

The mystery throughout the story was so sweet, sad and breathtaking at times and it tugged on my heart strings. I felt like I was right there with the MC suffering her pain as she fought tooth and nail to get back what she was.
All that was taken from her.

I adored the world building, I liked the fact it all took place in one area.
I felt very familiar with the locations due to the excellent detail and wished for a secret stroll myself in starry groves. It’s not often I find a book that isn’t riddled with spice. I appreciated that, I enjoyed that fact because it was different. It kept the fantasy and magical elements true to form.

I am now of course desperate for the rest of the trilogy.
I feel like my life will be incomplete until I find out what’s next. I am very unsettled by cliff hangers. I require all the bookses now.

Gimme gimme.

So I will await the next book, just know we have unfinished business here lady. I dub thee a demon woman for putting me in this tense state which shall feel like eternity. I love all the attention to detail you’ve put into this book, the characters, the big reveals, the suspense, the world, the POV, the writing. Just all of it.
So it’s totally worth it.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with me. I can’t wait for the official release to force my sisters to join the fan club. 💜

5 Stars

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