Gathering of the Four by A.E. BennettGathering of the Four by A.E. Bennett
4 Stars
3 Flames
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi
Pages: 503
ISBN: 9798724937610
Format: ARC, eBook
on 02/04/2021
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Got a complimentary copy of this book from VR.

I found the story very rich in plot, although somewhat complicated to keep up with at times due to the many many POV to keep track of, not that I didn’t enjoy them, because I did, immensely.

The characters all meet during their own escape from troubles along the way. They fight together. They are the gathered 4. The bond they share after spending time together on their perilous journey is chaotic and messy at times, full of tension and humour and love.

There are some deeply troubling aspects in this book we meet around halfway, that I pushed through, I’m not a fan of these aspects, so I am incredibly thankful that Bennett didn’t go into horribly graphic detail on said things because it would have ended up in my DNF pile.

The magic theme here was interesting, Xanthis are the only ones with access.
With the world setting being a post apocalypse/dystopian environment, people seem to be fearful of magic, sort of peasant/sentry simpering idgits afraid of anything different that could spark change. This is so different from most fantasy books today, that are all yay, magic, look at my sparkles! Not that I don’t love that too.

This book followed around an interesting theme of a comet, although nothing really happened in regards to the comet, except mentions of it frequently? Hoping for more in book 2.

It has some smut, unexpectedly, but all at the end?
Why?? Except a saucy little MM scene just after the midway mark.

I’m desperately hoping for a romance to develop between L&L.
Just so you know, better not let me down.

It was a decent sci-fi/dystopian/fantasy novel.
It’s definitely worth a read, but not suitable for YA audiences.
Though I will recommend.

Giving it a solid 4*. (less) 

4 Stars

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