Illusion of Stars by Sarah Marie Page

Okay, so, this books pacing was a little slow compared to my usual readss but once I’d got stuck in, I devoured it. The book has some strong Scandinavian influences, although this seems to be in essence only, nameses, lore etc, there doesn’t seem to be a connection with the characters and the the actual […]

Wings of Redemption by Gemma A. Summers

Got sent this by Gemma as an ARC. What to say, what to say..I bloody loved it! It’s got such a strong journey throughout, I resonated with the MC, anyone who’s ever been put down, abused, beaten, emotionally or physically in their life will understand the trauma that inflicts on the soul. That you carry […]

The Sunstone & The Hybrid Prince by S.D. Huston

Received an ARC for this book.I have to say.. I absolutely loved it! I’m so used to books about Fae with all the characters being perfect and it was such a nice change to read this one where characters are flawed and make me not feel like I’m some unattractive being in comparison.The FMC was […]

Calixta, The Vanquishers of Alhambra by Omayra Vélez

I received this book as part of an ARC for book 2, so thank you for that. As i loathe being chucked in the deep end with no back story on a sequel ARC 😂The book started a little slow, but it quickly gained a fast, exciting, adventurous pace.The world that Omayra has created here […]

Smoke and Light by Kristin Ardis

I was very lucky to receive an ARC from Kristin. I’m so very happy I did. This story was epic. I was on tenterhooks throughout the whole book, it built up so much suspense and I craved the build up in my soul wanting to know what was happening, but needing to keep it at […]

The Treasured One by Hannah Levin

I got an ARC from the lovely Hannah Levin, and honestly it is such a truly, truly massive relief to be able to say I bloody loved this book! Throughout the course of the story, the MC grows and blossoms into the person they should have always been able to become. Without the pressure of […]

Embers in the Snow by Anna Carven

tagline My Thoughts I never knew how much I wanted a story like this until I read it. Had all the elements I needed for a great story, a bit of smut, a bit of adventure, a blob of self growth, a splodge of darkness and a large scoop of magic. Would 100% read again […]