template review

First Impressions paragraph paragraph My Thoughts paragraph paragraph paragraph media/text   border paragraph paragraph My Takeaway paragraph paragraph My Favourite ‘Whiteout’ Moment pullquote My Verdict paragraph

Whiteout by Gracie Williams

First Impressions This book is just what I wanted. I didn’t know it was what I wanted until the last page.The world of thrillers and horror is no mystery to me, I’ve never read one with such a dark romance twist to it though. My mind is very confused as to whether I love this […]

Illusion of Stars by Sarah Marie Page

Okay, so, this books pacing was a little slow compared to my usual readss but once I’d got stuck in, I devoured it. The book has some strong Scandinavian influences, although this seems to be in essence only, nameses, lore etc, there doesn’t seem to be a connection with the characters and the the actual […]

Mae: Deaths Youngest Daughter by Axel Martens

My Thoughts Mae was a story of good vs evil, a fantasy tale with splashes of vikings, magic and death. I enjoyed this book immensely. The book was broken down into 3 parts, this was necessary to break us out of an otherwise lengthy book charging at one note, full speed.I enjoyed the fact that […]

Empress of Fire by D.L. Blade

Out of all 3 books in the trilogy this was the most stunning.I was tense the whole way through.I absolutely loved the venture into the dragon world, the dragon shifters, even though they were major alphaholes.The plot here was different, much darker and I loved it. It was extra dark and twisty. My fav.I’m honestly […]

Gunther by James Kaine

Received this book from V.R.This book was short & thrilling. I loved it. Gunther is a prequel, but as it mentions in the foreword of the book it can be read as a standalone, I read it with the intent of reading book 2 at a later date. I enjoyed the fact that this book […]

For Warriors, The Vanquishers of Alhambra by Omayra VĂ©lez

Received this as an ARC.This was the 2nd part of the ARC I read, and though I enjoyed most of the story. It felt a little repetitive. Although I feel this was due to the fact it can be read as a stand-alone novel, as well as part of the series. So from reading book […]