template review
First Impressions paragraph paragraph My Thoughts paragraph paragraph paragraph media/text border paragraph paragraph My Takeaway paragraph paragraph My Favourite ‘Whiteout’ Moment pullquote My Verdict paragraph
Whiteout by Gracie Williams
First Impressions This book is just what I wanted. I didn’t know it was what I wanted until the last page.The world of thrillers and horror is no mystery to me, I’ve never read one with such a dark romance twist to it though. My mind is very confused as to whether I love this […]
Empress of Fire by D.L. Blade
Out of all 3 books in the trilogy this was the most stunning.I was tense the whole way through.I absolutely loved the venture into the dragon world, the dragon shifters, even though they were major alphaholes.The plot here was different, much darker and I loved it. It was extra dark and twisty. My fav.I’m honestly […]
Salvation by Blood by Marisette Burgess
I was kindly sent an ARC by Marisette. When I initially started reading, I was immediately thrown off balance by the difference to all the other vampire novels I’ve previously read. It enthralled me, and I just kept devouring the pages. The story here is complex and wonderful in its own right, you feel for […]