Whisper of Weapons by Savannah J. Goins
My Thoughts This book is a clean YA read that I’d recommend for all YA fans. The story is based around a group of teenagers who all have a misfit personality, and all just secretly want to fit in.It’s full of unique magic systems, animal companions and deep hidden meaning.I loved the characters Mella, […]
Illusion of Stars by Sarah Marie Page
Okay, so, this books pacing was a little slow compared to my usual readss but once I’d got stuck in, I devoured it. The book has some strong Scandinavian influences, although this seems to be in essence only, nameses, lore etc, there doesn’t seem to be a connection with the characters and the the actual […]
Mae: Deaths Youngest Daughter by Axel Martens
My Thoughts Mae was a story of good vs evil, a fantasy tale with splashes of vikings, magic and death. I enjoyed this book immensely. The book was broken down into 3 parts, this was necessary to break us out of an otherwise lengthy book charging at one note, full speed.I enjoyed the fact that […]
Empress of Fire by D.L. Blade
Out of all 3 books in the trilogy this was the most stunning.I was tense the whole way through.I absolutely loved the venture into the dragon world, the dragon shifters, even though they were major alphaholes.The plot here was different, much darker and I loved it. It was extra dark and twisty. My fav.I’m honestly […]
A Pocket of Lies by R.A. Sandpiper
King Elijah by D.L. Blade
Received this as an ARC from Booksprout. This book was a sequel to the fantastic Sea of Zemira, which I absolutely adored.Instead of embarking on swashbuckling journeys with our beloved pirate crew this book, we follow up with one of our prior bad boys. King Elijah. The villain turned hero. His journey finding his fated […]
Sea of Zemira by D.L. Blade
I received an ARC of this book from Booksprout. I have fallen in love with this series. This book has so many different themes that blend together seamlessly.The story has a central theme of an anti-magic fueled war, which spans over 2 decades. We experience multiple glimpses of the war during this time, filling in […]
Gathering of the Four by A.E. Bennett
Got a complimentary copy of this book from VR. I found the story very rich in plot, although somewhat complicated to keep up with at times due to the many many POV to keep track of, not that I didn’t enjoy them, because I did, immensely. The characters all meet during their own escape from […]
The Sunstone & The Hybrid Prince by S.D. Huston
Received an ARC for this book.I have to say.. I absolutely loved it! I’m so used to books about Fae with all the characters being perfect and it was such a nice change to read this one where characters are flawed and make me not feel like I’m some unattractive being in comparison.The FMC was […]
Smoke and Light by Kristin Ardis
I was very lucky to receive an ARC from Kristin. I’m so very happy I did. This story was epic. I was on tenterhooks throughout the whole book, it built up so much suspense and I craved the build up in my soul wanting to know what was happening, but needing to keep it at […]