The Treasured One by Hannah LevinThe Treasured One by Hannah Levin
5 Stars
Genres: Fantasy, Romantasy
Pages: 366
ISBN: 9781949890969
Format: ARC, eBook
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I got an ARC from the lovely Hannah Levin, and honestly it is such a truly, truly massive relief to be able to say I bloody loved this book!

Throughout the course of the story, the MC grows and blossoms into the person they should have always been able to become. Without the pressure of guardians, responsibilities and fear holding them back they reach new heights and it hits home for me, that journey of self discovery.

When you’re young you feel free like nothing matters and nothing can stop you, when you hit early adulthood and start developing new friendships and entering employment and romantic relationships, it can be a bit much if you struggle with anxiety or don’t feel that you fit in. As a result you feel trapped and try to make the pieces fit, causing harm to yourself and giving way to unrelenting pressure, until you crack. Almost and some hitting Vahela if you will.

So to read that journey of breaking free of one’s own self founded expectations, and the release of the pressures put upon us by others and learning it’s okay to give a little, but learning where to draw the line and still being able to see your own self as valued and appreciated in society was just something I needed from our MC.

Anyhoo, on with the rest of my review.
The world building was vivid and full of imagination, I’d happily take a holiday through the rift any time.
The characters were sensational, I could visualise them clearly in my mind and I feel a vast disappointment that I don’t have my very own avida to transport me around like I’m a swanky Fae goddess. I felt a bond with each of the main characters, the more I read the more I became attached. Although I can’t help wishing that there was a little side story to explain Solois’s specific hatred of the humankind, the treason of the seer and where the hell Marcia wound up.

The things that resonated to me for the book were the adventure, the soft mushy slow burn romance with a little bit of spice, the epic fantasy, the self discovery, the blend of current day tech/life/influences. Most Fae/fantasy stories seem to exist in some random timeline that is impossible to decipher, only judged by the lack of modernity.

This book was beautifully written, I didn’t have any trouble with the fluidity of the story progress, it was such a delightful smooth read I gobbled this book up in less than a day. I will recommend it to all my little fantasy book gobblers.

I did have a little trouble with the pronunciation of some names despite the handy guide, but that’s a me thing. I took to just pronouncing things in my head the way that felt right for me, it didn’t detract from the book in any way for me.

The book does contain mentions of some fictional war, sexual activity and some fictional political elements. As well as some mentions of being kidnapped/taken off the street, nothing horrible or graphic, just in case anyone is sensitive to those things.

Overall, this book gets a big fat 5* from me.
Thank you for the ARC again, reading this was truly the highlight of my week so far, I look forward to seeing any future works. 🙂 xo

5 Stars

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